Horseshoe Indiana Poker Tournaments

2019/20 WSOP Circuit - HORSESHOE SOUTHERN INDIANA (Louisville area) All Events Announced In Progress Completed All Events GG Poker All Games Hold'em Omaha Stud Razz Lowball H.O.R.S.E All Buy-ins Low Medium High. World Series of Poker will run the 2019 WSOP Circuit – Horseshoe Indiana Poker Tournament from 26 th of September till 7 th of October at the Horseshoe Southern Indiana Casino. Date & Time Event Name.

The Majestic Star Casino Poker Room is temporarily closed due to state regulations. Please follow us on Social Media and check back for more information.

Our Poker Room delivers a unique experience that welcomes all players – expert to novice. Each day, you can find a promotion or tournament, many of which have Guaranteed Payouts, for a minimal buy-in. On top of these exclusive events, Cash Games are readily available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Call the Poker Room for more details (219) 977-7777, ext. 7143.
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